Welcome To Ours Website!
86-13916289551 / 021-59227219 yc@yucheng-food.com


How to ensure quality of meal ?

Rice: use the original rice of the northeast of Jiangsu province to make the taste, color and flavor best.

Hire experienced chef from Sichuan, Hunan, Guangdong, Shandong, Beijing, Anhui in order to minimize the problem that people from different regions have different flavors.

Advocate “selling when making”, so that we can let diners to have the best taste of the food.

Strictly control the ingredients in accordance with the principle of FIFO to ensure the quality and freshness of the food.

Establishment noodle food window and hire high-tech master chef to make noodle food rich in content to meet different people of different regions’ eating habits.   Hold regular meetings with all partner company and we will also sent staff to collect all the suggestion, so that we can improve ourselves according to all the suggestions to give you better food and sevices.




地 址:上海市青浦区新胜路379号
联系人:张先生 13916289551
电 话:021-59227219
传 真:021-59227218
Q Q:769546211
邮 箱:yc@yucheng-food.com